MinterEllison advises Bain Capital and Only About Children on acquisition of Little Learning School

1 minute read  03.06.2018

Bain Capital, through its majority-held subsidiary Only About Children, has acquired the Little Learning School business including 20 childcare centres.

MinterEllison advised global private equity leader Bain Capital and childcare operator Only About Children which, prior to the deal, operated 44 campuses across Melbourne and Sydney.

US-based Bain Capital, one of the world’s leading private multi-asset alternative investment firms with over $95 billion in assets under management, has a team of more than 200 professionals investing across asset classes including private equity, public equity and venture capital.

The 20 childcare centres, which are located across New South Wales, present new opportunities for Only About Children to bring its trademark quality and holistic approach to childcare to more children in the region.

"It has been a privilege to work with one of the world's foremost private multi-asset alternative investment firms in Bain Capital, and we look forward to helping achieve their strategic objectives moving forward," said MinterEllison's lead Partner, Wissam Abwi.

"MinterEllison have advised on a number of matters in the childcare sector. We understand the challenges and opportunities faced by operators, and the current and future needs for childcare in Australia."

The MinterEllison team was led by Wissam Abwi (Partner). He was supported by Stewart Robertson (Partner), Jim Fox (Partner) and Janet Yeung, Alison Morris, Jeremy Chew, Ashika Binodan, Benji Jacobs, Sam Quinn and Miranda Noble.


For media enquiries, please contact:

Charlotte Juhasz
Director, Corporate Communications & Media
M +61 408 837 975
