Empowering global talent mobility for business success

Global mobility

Global enterprises need the capacity to deploy talent swiftly, no matter where they are located in the world. Recognising that your organisation's success is heavily dependent on its workforce, it is essential to integrate efficient and comprehensive global mobility strategies into your day-to-day business activities. Facilitating the rapid and cost-effective relocation of employees across international borders presents a significant challenge due to the complexities of immigration and visa regulations, employment regulations, data privacy requirements, remuneration and tax implications.


Your strategic partner in global mobility solutions

In today's interconnected and agile world, being able to move talent around the globe is a key to business success. Our Global Mobility team, comprising specialists across migration law, employment law and tax, will give you access to unparalleled expertise and support to streamline your mobility program.

Global multidisciplinary expertise, local solutions

MinterEllison's unique capability to integrate our proficiency in migration, tax, and employment law delivers a holistic and timely solution to tackle any global mobility challenges or issues our clients may encounter but also provides clients with the assurance that all work and data remain securely within Australia.

As the only top-tier law firm in Australia with a dedicated migration law practice, we combine our core adjacent consultancy offerings to provide multidisciplinary, collaborative, and practical advice to our clients, making us a 'one-stop-shop' for both domestic and international clients alike. 

As a member of the World Law Group, an independent global law firm network, helping member firms address clients' needs through a worldwide legal network of high-quality law firms. This network enables us to also offer outbound assistance.


Multidisciplinary, collaborative and practical expertise

Our Global mobility team of experts work together to help our clients navigate the Australian legal, tax and regulatory landscape.