Elevating your in house legal function

In-house Legal Optimisation

In-house legal teams face a more complex landscape than ever before with mandates to do more with less, embrace digital transformation and provide an elevated level of client service. As a law firm, we understand these challenges because they are also our own. Our Legal Optimisation Consulting practice uses this experience, combined with our award winning Legal Operations function, to design human-centred solutions for our clients.

Optimising your legal function across six best practice domains

We work with in-house legal teams to improve operational efficiency, develop high performing teams and provide strategic client service. We concentrate on elevating their performance across six best practice domains: enhance resources, deliver efficiently, leverage technology, act strategically, harness data and empower teams. Our award-winning team takes a platform-agnostic approach to applying technology to deliver pragmatic and practical outcomes. 

We have a team of over 65 technical experts across legal operations, legal project management, process transformation, intelligent automation and legal technology. This team is specialised in solving challenges for legal teams and enables us to provide a fully integrated service across our projects.

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clients supported

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legal tech solutions in our toolkit

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lawyer hours saved through automation

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lawyer hours saved through process improvement

Transform and optimise across 6 domains

How we can help

Wherever your particular challenges lie, and whatever optimisation stage you are at, we can 'plug and play' legal, technical and consulting skills to deliver the specific solutions fit for your team.


  • Strategy
  • Delivery
  • Teams
  • Resources
  • Technology
  • Data

Be a highly valued business partner to your organisation.

  • Legal function diagnostic and benchmarking
  • Support for innovation, change and transformation projects
  • Holistic optimisation programs
  • KPIs, metrics and reporting set up


Maximise the value your team provides to the organisation.

  • Process review and redesign
  • Continuous Improvement programs
  • Workflow and document automation
  • Self-help structures and tools for internal clients


Support an engaged high performance culture.

  • Capability and culture analysis
  • Leadership training and mentoring
  • Non-legal upskilling (LPM, Lean Six Sigma, Agile)
  • Workshops and programs to develop and engage your team


Enable the delivery of efficient, high quality services to your organisation.

  • Resourcing structure review
  • Structural redesign (e.g. Agile teams)
  • Team capability and skills mapping
  • Specialist and flexible resources for specific projects or matters


Improve efficiency, quality, consistency and transparency of your team's work.

  • Procurement, implementation and change management advice
  • Support to engage legal tech market
  • Technology solution development and hosting
  • Technology needs assessment
  • Expert guidance on tools: automation, collaboration, review, AI, verification, analytics


Access valuable insights about your team and organisation.

  • Data portfolio assessment
  • Portfolio data insights
  • Data capture, analysis, management and reporting

Case studies

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Legal function review

Conducted a holistic function review of a large legal team focusing on moving toward best practice and improving internal service and customer experience.

Case study Capability Mapping

Capability mapping

Undertook a capability mapping project for a Commonwealth Government legal department, providing insights into appropriate legal function design (size, shape, structure and capability) to support management of legal risks from commercial activities undertaken by the function.

Case study Strategic Alignment

Strategic alignment

Working with large corporate legal teams to develop and execute their strategic vision, redesign how they work and create client centric teams using Human Centred Design and other methodologies.

Case study Technology implementation

Technology implementation

Established the document management office and document management processes for the Trade Union Royal Commission. Many of the processes implemented during this engagement have since become blueprints for Commissions in Australia.

Case Study Unfair Contract Terms

Development of AI solutions

Collaborated with a major Australian insurance provider to develop an AI solution using Luminance to identify potential unfair contract terms in their suite of Product Disclosure Statements, saving over 850 hours of review time.

Case Study Automated solutions

Automated solutions

Developed an automated solution to support a client with creating, issuing and managing the execution of over 1,400 contracts to 300 third party providers within two days - with a time saving of over 1800 hours of manual work.


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Our consulting services are provided (directly and indirectly) by MinterEllison Consulting (ABN 50 017 469 292) and MinterEllison Consulting Pty Ltd (ABN 50 077 613 828), both of which are part of the MinterEllison Group. Our consulting services do not constitute legal services nor legal advice and are not provided by Australian legal practitioners acting in that capacity. The laws and regulations which govern the provision of legal services in the relevant jurisdiction do not apply to the provision of non-legal services.