


Tailored advice across the full spectrum of regulatory, compliance and governance issues

Board & governance

Scrutiny of corporate leadership decisions and corporate governance has never been more apparent, with increased regulatory risk, shareholder claims and investigations making it more important for considered, confident and transparent decision making.

Our corporate headquarters advisory team works with Board chairs, non-executive directors, CEOs, company secretaries, corporate counsel and other senior executives, focusing on helping them to more effectively discharge their duties and improve board performance and decision-making.

We offer confidential tailored and pragmatic advice across the full spectrum of regulatory, compliance and governance issues, and we specialise in preventive strategies to avert governance problems before they arise. Our expertise includes:

  • Skills development and training, including board effectiveness and good decision making
  • Best practice commercial, legal and ethical standards
  • Crisis management and major incident responses
  • Directors’ duties and liabilities
  • Board composition and sub-committees
  • Indemnities and insurance
  • Constitutions
  • Annual reports, AGM / EGMs and shareholder / investor relations
  • Director and senior executive remuneration / incentives
  • Regulatory requirements including market disclosures, corporate crime and insider trading investigations

Prudential Standard CPS 230 Operational Risk Management (CPS 230)

Coming into force on 1 July 2025, CPS 230 replaces five existing outsourcing and business continuity standards. The new standard requires APRA-regulated entities to prepare for service disruptions, take action to prevent these and enhance operational resilience. Explore our CPS 230 resources now.


Design and distribution obligations (DDO)

With the purpose of helping consumers access appropriate financial products, new product design and distribution obligations came into force in Australia in October 2021. The DDOs require issuers and distributors to take a customer-centric approach in the design, marketing and distribution of financial products. View our resources to learn more now.


The Financial Accountability Regime (FAR)

The Financial Accountability Regime (FAR) replaces and expands on the existing Banking Executive Accountability Regime (BEAR). Broadly, the FAR will extends strengthened, but BEAR-like accountability requirements to other APRA-regulated entities and to the directors/senior executives of those entities in accordance with the government's response to several Hayne Commission recommendations. The aim of the FAR is ultimately to strengthen and increase individual and entity level accountability across the financial services sector, including for non-financial conduct risk. FAR is now in force for banks and will apply to insurers and superannuation trustees from 15 March 2025.


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