


Managing risks to navigate complexity and create growth momentum

Risk and Regulatory Consulting

Corporate and executive conduct is under the national spotlight – and meeting regulator and stakeholder expectations has never been more important to business success. Understanding, controlling and remediating risk are key to boosting business resilience. Get this wrong, and your organisation’s reputation is at risk. Get it right, and your organisation will be able to adapt to constant change and harness new growth opportunities.

Together, we can build momentum to unlock new opportunities today and respond to the most significant issues of our time, through insights, strategy and experience to help you accelerate into the future with confidence.


Rethinking, rebuilding and reimagining your risk processes

Led by some of Australia’s most respected risk and legal practitioners, our team will work with you to assess, manage and leverage your risks. From designing and implementing bespoke risk governance frameworks to designing compliance tools tailored to your organisation’s specific requirements, our experts have worked across industries to deliver the best outcomes for you and your business.

To help you thrive during complex situations, we have brought together one market-leading team of risk and legal practitioners, with experience on the client-side, coupled with first-hand knowledge of how to stay on the right side of regulators.

How can we help?

We can help you identify the most effective strategies to manage your risks and bolster your business resilience.

  • Governance
  • Remediation
  • Risk and compliance
  • System, data and analytics services
  • Financial crime, fraud and forensics services

Governance, culture and accountability

Ensuring governance, culture and accountability is core. Our team of risk and legal experts can deliver:

  • Governance, culture and accountability diagnostics
  • Board governance and reporting
  • Compliance reviews aligning regulatory obligations and expectations
  • Risk culture assessments
  • FAR program designs and conduct effectiveness reviews
  • Evaluation of risk in performance management and remuneration frameworks
  • Effectiveness review of 3 lines of defence


Customer resolution and remediation

Achieve great outcomes for your customers and rebuild trust with the regulator. Our team of risk and legal experts can:

  • Design, implementation and review of customer remediation programs
  • Conduct independent assurance reviews of remediation programs
  • Conduct root cause analysis
  • Develop complaints strategy and frameworks
  • Develop your regulatory engagement strategy

Risk and compliance

Risk and regulatory compliance

Give confidence and certainty to your board by ensuring your frameworks are fit for purpose. Our team of risk and legal experts can:

  • Deliver strategic advice on risk and compliance matters
  • Design and implement risk compliance frameworks and compliance obligations registers
  • Augment your risk and compliance resources
  • Conduct maturity assessments
  • Perform independent assurance reviews of risk frameworks
  • Undertake regulatory investigations and inquiries
  • Manage regulatory change
  • Program manage Enforceable Undertakings

System, data and analytics services

System, data and analytics services

  • Risk technology design and implementation
  • Remediation analytics and calculation checks
  • Assessing risk in trading portfolios and designing measures to better manage that risk

Financial crime, fraud and forensics services

Financial crime, fraud and forensics services 

  • Regulatory reviews e.g. AML/CTF programs and audits
  • Risk assessments including Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (ML/TF, Enterprise-wide risk assessments)
  • Managed services/surge operations, whistleblower services, transaction monitoring alerts and unusual activity reports
  • Comprehensive AML/CTF uplift program design
  • Investigations and large scale regulatory response, including investigations into potential bribery and corruption

Why MinterEllison?

When you work with us, you can be confident that you will have a safer, stronger business.

Seven specialists join the partnership

With more than 13 decades of experience, the addition of our new consulting specialists reinforces our commitment to providing market-leading advice.



Lead contacts

Discover our team's consulting and advisory capabilities, spanning governance, risk and compliance advisory, anti-money laundering, fraud and forensics, systems, data and analytics, and more.

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Our consulting services are provided (directly and indirectly) by MinterEllison Consulting (ABN 50 017 469 292) and MinterEllison Consulting Pty Ltd (ABN 50 077 613 828), both of which are part of the MinterEllison Group. Our consulting services do not constitute legal services nor legal advice and are not provided by Australian legal practitioners acting in that capacity. The laws and regulations which govern the provision of legal services in the relevant jurisdiction do not apply to the provision of non-legal services.