Sustainability in operations, supply chains and communities

Responsible procurement and modern slavery

MinterEllison recognises the importance of strong Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) standards and practices and this is reflected in our approach to all elements of our operations. This commitment underpins our organisational purpose and values.

MinterEllison wants to partner with suppliers that demonstrate a commitment to sustainability, diversity and inclusion and addressing Modern Slavery risk. We also expect our suppliers to comply with relevant laws and demonstrate business practices that align with our values. This includes offering carbon neutral goods and services and/or achieving Climate Active certification.

We encourage First Nations businesses to contact us to explore opportunities for joining our supply chain.

Our ESG framework is centred on ensuring our responsible business policies and practices set the context for sustainable supply chain management. Our approach to governance across the firm is grounded by our focus and commitment to accountability and transparency, again a reflection of our core values.

With a strong commitment to continuous improvement and a preparedness to undertake the work necessary to minimise the risk of Modern Slavery in our operations and supply chain, we outline in our Modern Slavery Statement our firm’s current approach, and future commitments to understanding, identifying, addressing and transparently reporting on our Modern Slavery risks.

Statements and standards