Changes to Commonwealth Home Support Programme Manual 2024-25

3 minute read  22.08.2024 Penelope Eden, Jonna Susan-Mathiessen

The Department of Health and Aged Care has released its 'restructured and streamlined' Commonwealth Home Support Programme Manual 2024-25.

Key takeouts

  • The updated Manual incorporates the incoming aged care reforms related to the CHSP and features a new 'restructured and streamlined' design, to ensure providers can easily navigate the material in the Manual.
  • The Manual introduces higher service standards required of CHSP providers, with the introduction of a CHSP Compliance Framework, updated CHSP Principles and additional provider responsibilities.
  • The Manual also features a range of minor amendments that provide clarity on activities that fall within the scope of CHSP services.

The Department of Health and Aged Care (Department) has released its revised Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) Manual 2024-25 (Manual). In this brief update, we provide you with the key takeaways from the updated Manual for CHSP providers.

Key takeaways from the Manual

  • Inclusion of the CHSP Compliance Framework: The new CHSP Compliance Framework (Framework) ensures that service providers adhere to the relevant requirements to promote the delivery of high quality care and services to older Australians. The Framework outlines that CHSP providers are required to comply with: performance against the grant agreement, submitting financial and reporting information, monitoring compliance against the Aged Care Quality Standards, complying with obligations outlined in the Manual, escalation of fraud related issues for investigation and meeting requirements to maintain current and accurate information on My Aged Care. Compliance with the Framework will be enforced by the Department in conjunction with Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission (ACQSC), National Indigenous Australians Agency and Community Grants Hub.
  • Updated CHSP Principles: The Manual replaces the previous 'service delivery principles' with four new foundational principles that should guide the delivery of the CHSP being: social and cultural sensitivity; client, carer and family empowerment; client-centred support with a wellness and reablement approach; and committed and responsive service provision. CHSP service providers must ensure these principles are 'front-of-mind' when developing, delivering, and evaluating their services.
  • Quality arrangements – Provider responsibilities: The Manual outlines the responsibilities of CHSP providers, with the revised edition featuring the following two additions: CHSP providers are responsible for ensuring they accept or decline and action client referrals in a timely manner, including managing waitlists only where services are imminently available; and CHSP providers are responsible for submitting reports as described in the CHSP Grant Agreement. More information is provided in the CHSP My Aged Care Provider Journey Infographic.
  • Provider reporting due dates: The due date for the Activity Work Plan Report (for Sector Support and Development activities only), which is due once per financial year, has been extended from 30 June to 31 July. The Financial Declaration Report due date has also been extended from 30 July to 31 August, with further details regarding timing to be provided in Item E of the CHSP grant agreement.
  • CHSP service scope updates: The Manual also features a range of minor amendments that provide clarity on activities falling outside the scope of CHSP services such as: specifying end of lease and larger spring cleaning as beyond the scope of CHSP; clarifying that the purchase of external home security systems and help with packing and unpacking removal boxes (when relocating) are not included; and stating that carers can utilise CHSP meal services, provided they cover the full cost. The updated Manual also makes minor additions to service considerations relating to carers and Sector Support and Development (see Chapters 5.2 and 5.4).

Please reach out at any time if you have any questions, or you would like to discuss this update.


