MinterEllison hosts Senator Dean Smith as part of IDAHOT celebrations

3 mins  16.05.2018

To acknowledge and celebrate International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia (IDAHOT), 17 May, MinterEllison has hosted a series of events in its offices across Australia promoting respect and inclusion.

IDAHOT is the global day promoting a prejudice-free world regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation. It is the largest LGBTQI solidarity event, with over 1,000 events taking place in more than 120 countries. It is an event that is recognised and celebrated by major international institutions (UN, EU, World Bank, etc.) each year.

In MinterEllison's Perth office, Senator Dean Smith discussed his observations and political lessons learnt as the architect of the Marriage Amendment (Definition and Religious Freedoms) Bill 2017, which passed the Parliament last year.

"It is pleasing to see MinterEllison's passion for the principles of diversity and inclusion," said Senator Smith. "It was a pleasure to be invited to talk on this important occasion, and people can be very pleased to see Australia's corporate and legal sector supporting freedom of expression and living Australia's shared values of acceptance and tolerance."

"The genuine attention corporate Australia is showing for initiatives like IDAHOT shows that we are living in a country that is open-minded, generous and accepting in its thinking."

In the firm's Sydney office Kate Wickett, Co-Chair of Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras, reflected on Mardi Gras' 40th year celebrations this year, and some of Mardi Gras' ground breaking achievements during this time.

"We've seen thinking evolve over the last 40 years of Mardi Gras, and it's great to see global events like IDAHOT offer even greater opportunities for the LGBTQI community to promote a message of diversity and acceptance," said Ms Wickett. "Like many courageous organisations, we've partnered with MinterEllison for 20 years, and they continue to help us raise visibility and opportunity for LGBTQI creativity and diversity.

The firm held events in each of its Australian offices. Guest speakers across the country included:

  • Brisbane: Peter Black, Constitutional Law Lecturer at QUT, and recent winner of the Activist of the Year Award at the 2017 Pride Awards.
  • Canberra: Jackson Wherrett, ACT Director of 'Out for Australia', lawyer in the Office of General Counsel at the Australian Government Solicitor, and the Co-Chair of the Attorney-General's Department's Pride Network.
  • Melbourne: Matt Collins QC, champion in the fight for LGBTQI rights and advocate for LGBTQI lawyers over his 25 years of practice.

"IDAHOT is a fantastic opportunity for our people to tell their stories, and promote that everyone has a right to be proud of who they are," said Virginia Briggs, MinterEllison Partner and Infrastructure Construction & Property Leader. "Our Pride Respect & Inclusion at MinterEllison (PRiME) network, which recognises and leverages diversity, has done a great job supporting IDAHOT and reminding us that we must proactively and vigilantly work as a firm and a society to end homophobia, transphobia and biphobia."
Beginning in 2004, IDAHOT is observed on 17 May because this was the date the World Health Organisation removed homosexuality from the list of mental disorders in 1990.


For media enquiries, please contact:

Charlotte Juhasz
Director, Corporate Communications & Media
M +61 408 837 975


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