MinterEllison awarded Law firm of the Year in 2020 IMPACT Awards

1 minute read  15.09.2020

MinterEllison's significant impact practice and expertise in social enterprises and advisory impact-driven transactions and investments has been recognised at Environmental Finance’s inaugural 2020 IMPACT Awards.

MinterEllison was recognised as the Law Firm of the Year for 2020, for its integrated, holistic and 'whole of firm' approach to impact in line with its purpose to create lasting impacts for its people, clients and communities.

Over the past year, the law firm has provided a range of advisory expertise on impact-driven transactions that seek to generate market-rate returns, to socially-themed instruments seeking concessionary returns. It has also contributed to projects that aim to improve impact measurement and reporting.

Accepting the award on behalf of MinterEllison, Keith Rovers, a partner in the firm’s Corporate and Capital Markets group and the firm's Pro Bono and Community Investment Partner said: “This award recognises MinterEllison’s strength of purpose in our communities around the world, from London to Perth to Sydney. We take great pride in our Community Investment Programs with over 75% of our people involved, as well as our Responsible Business practice advising our For-Purpose and For-Profit clients on practices for equitable, ethical and sustainable outcomes that make for healthier and better communities."

MinterEllison works to support, promote and mainstream impact investing where intentionality is at the core of a project, initiative or investment. The firm’s work includes thematic investments that seek to integrate ESG to generate market-based returns, socially themed instruments attracting concessionary rates, blended finance techniques, mechanisms that develop and mature market approaches and, impact measurement and reporting.

The firm's Responsible Business practice brings a multi-disciplinary team of lawyers, consultants and auditors who work closely with industry and seeks to embed impact across our 'for profit' commercial law practice areas, consolidating recognised expertise across climate change, human rights (including modern slavery and supply chain issues), governance and conduct (including culture and accountability assessments) and sustainable finance and impact investing.

MinterEllison seeks to promote impact and share and amplify its thought leadership with our clients, the financial sector and the broader community. I am proud of all the people at MinterEllison, who through their commitment are improving society through the work they do. They have all contributed to this award. I am also proud of how we collaborate to combine human and financial capital to address and improve societal, diversity, human rights, institutional conduct and environmental issues in our communities,” said Mr Rovers.

Environmental Finance's inaugural IMPACT awards seek to recognise and reward the work of impact investors everywhere and highlight emerging pockets of best practice, across all asset classes and all geographies.

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For media enquiries, please contact:

Charlotte Juhasz
Director, Corporate Communications & Media
M +61 408 837 975


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