What’s needed to ‘optimise the retirement phase of super’? Suggested key priorities for reform

12 minute read (PDF download)  14.02.2024 Ruth Stringer, Guy Spielman

Our submission to the government's Retirement Phase of Superannuation Discussion Paper

Consultation on the Retirement Phase of Superannuation Discussion Paper closed on 9 February 2024.

MinterEllison's submission is focused on legal issues and is based on our experience working with clients in developing retirement income products and solutions. Key points raised include:

  • Simplifying disclosure requirements – a principal driver of complexity and poor consumer experience.
  • Removing legal barriers (eg anti-hawking laws) to funds engaging more pro-actively with their members
  • Rather than prescribe a standardised lifetime income product, we propose a requirement to offer more choice. 

The full text submission is available.


