MinterEllison to guide Government of Victoria on scoping study for commercialisation of land titles registry

Leading Australian law firm MinterEllison has been selected by the Victoria Government to advise it on the scoping study of a possible sale of Land Use Victoria, the state's land titles registry.

The Government announced plans for the scoping study in its May 2017 Budget, saying it would examine the feasibility and appropriate options to commercialise the state's land titles registry function whilst ensuring that data integrity and access rights are protected.

If it goes ahead, the commercialisation of the State's land titles registry would follow in the wake of the successful 50 year lease of the Port of Melbourne to the Lonsdale Consortium for A$9.7 billion.

In April 2017, New South Wales announced it would lease its land titles registry to Hastings Finds Management and First State Super for A$2.6 billion, and in August 2017, South Australia announced that a consortium comprising Macquarie Infrastructure and Real Assets and Canada's Public Sector Pension Investment Board had acquired its land titles registry for A$1.605 billion.

“We're delighted Minter Ellison has been chosen to advise the State on the potential future options for the commercialisation of land titles registry to improve productivity and unlock value for the people of Victoria”
Partner Peter Block, who is leading MinterEllison's advisory team



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