Practical Law Class & Collective Actions Global Guide

1 min  05.09.2018 Beverley Newbold, Julia Avis

MinterEllison class action specialists partner Beverley Newbold, special counsel Julia Avis and associate Rafael Aiolfi have unpacked the ever-changing Australian class action landscape, authoring a chapter Practical Law's Global Class & Collective Action Global Guide.

Key takeouts

There have been notable developments in the class and collective actions landscape in 2018, and the phenomenon has experienced a rise in prominence within the Australian legal industry.

MinterEllison class action specialists, partner Beverley Newbold, special counsel Julia Avis and associate Rafael Aiolfi, have provided expert insights and commentary in the Australian chapter of Practical Law's Global Class & Collective Action Global Guide.

There have been notable developments in the class and collective actions landscape in 2018, and the phenomenon has experienced a rise in prominence within the Australian legal industry.

To delve into this increasingly-popular litigation movement, MinterEllison has authored the Australian chapter of Practical Law's Class & Collective Action Global Guide.

MinterEllison class action specialists, partner Beverley Newbold, special counsel Julia Avis and associate Rafael Aiolfi, have provided expert insights and commentary in the publication's chapter. Contributors to the Practical Law publication are local experts in their respective fields of practice. MinterEllison’s contribution continues to demonstrate the firm’s thought-leadership in this area.

Class actions are now a global phenomenon, with companies in multiple jurisdictions facing this litigation threat. Australia is no different, with class actions continuing to grow in prominence and regularity as part of the Australian legal landscape.

With the complexity of competing jurisdictions, even within Australia, the chapter provides practitioners and clients with a comprehensive reference point to uncover recent developments, source proven procedures, and understand the mix of influences at play in a number of jurisdictions.

The MinterEllison team considers a number of developments in the publication, providing insights into, among other things, current trends, the regulatory framework, limitation periods, standing and the procedural framework for bringing an action, funding and costs, disclosure, damages and relief, settlement, appeals, alternative dispute resolution and proposals for reform.

These are just some of the insights covered by the MinterEllison team in Practical Law's publication, Class & Collective Action Global Guide.

Visit Practical Law via Thomson Reuters to read the full text.




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