Rapid Antigen testing

1 minute read  27.08.2021 Helaena Short

Rapid Antigen Tests are now being used as part of Australia's response to COVID-19. We explore how they are being used during their pilot phase.

Rapid Antigen Tests are now being used as part of Australia's response to COVID-19. With the worsening pandemic situation in NSW especially, Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt has introduced regular rapid antigen testing in some NSW aged care homes.

The initiative is part of a 4-week pilot which may see the tests mandatorily rolled out in other high risk workplaces. Other NSW employers and industries are already able to utilise the tests if they choose, in accordance with the Government's advice.

Restrictions on the wider use of rapid antigen tests

Importantly however, there continues to be strict restrictions on the wider use of rapid antigen tests in Australia. At-home self-tests are prohibited. The rapid antigen tests which have been approved for use in Australia must only be used by health practitioners (or persons under their supervision) who are trained to correctly use the tests and interpret the results. In relation to such results, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (the TGA) has clearly said:

  • Negative test results do not exclude infection with COVID-19. Therefore, face masks, social distancing and good hygiene practice must be maintained even after a negative result is obtained.
  • Positive test results and all symptomatic persons must undergo immediate confirmatory testing with a polymerase chain reaction PCR test.

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