2017 Perspectives on Cyber Risk

1 minute read +PDF  12.03.2017 Paul Kallenbach, Anthony Lloyd, Anthony Borgese, Amanda Story, Cameron Oxley, Veronica Scott, Leah Mooney, John Fairbairn

In late 2016 we conducted our second annual cyber security survey, to assess changes in Australian organisations’ cyber resilience over the past 12 months.

Key findings summary

The 12 months since the publication of our last Perspectives on Cyber Risk report have seen some of the most devastating cyber incidents yet. In this increasingly fraught climate.

Key cyber risk findings 2017

  1. Awareness of cyber risk has increased as the problem grows – but concrete actions have not changed
  2. Despite concerns about the increasing cyber threat, organisations remain complacent about reviewing and testing their own cyber resilience (and the cyber resilience of their suppliers)
  3. Cyber security is still (wrongly) seen as being primarily an IT issue
  4. The privacy landscape is changing – both in Australia and overseas
  5. The increasing uptake of cyber insurance indicates some willingness to act on managing cyber risk

Available now

Perspectives on Cyber Risk 2017




Point of View: insights into key issues and challenges facing business today.

In this series of interviews with MinterEllison partners we hear their perspective on key areas of interest to our clients and the business community.