Ashish Das
Partner, MinterEllison Consulting, Brisbane
I am a transformative leader with a wealth of technology consulting and business strategy experience, working with client executives to drive efficiency and technology enablement across their organisations. My experience spans the energy & utilities, banking, government, and education sectors across Australia and the United Kingdom.

I have high degree of technology literacy with an in-depth understanding of prominent technology trends and their relevance to business strategy and growth. I have introduced new and agile operating models to drive efficiencies and reduce cost, and developed business strategies to pave the way forward for organisations in a changing digital landscape.

I am passionate about truly understanding my clients' business and establishing long-term relationships as a trusted partner.

My career has spanned 17 years working in strategic roles within niche technology consulting firms, as well as leadership positions within the Big 4 consulting firms.

Career highlights

  • Planned, designed and led the delivery of digitally enabled business transformation programs to implement large-scale organisational change at Mirvac, Royal Bank of Scotland and the Australian Taxation Office.
  • Established technology strategies and operating models to deliver business objectives at the University of Technology Sydney, TransGrid, Downer Group and British Telecom.
  • Led the development of data strategies for Origin Energy and Oil Search and partnered with Origin Energy for the subsequent establishment of a formalised data and analytics function to understand and extract tangible business value through data driven insights.
  • Led a number of engagements assisting Stanwell, Oil Search, Origin Energy to better understand and leverage digital technologies to increase efficiencies, resulting in improved profitability and increased revenues.
  • Advised clients on the cybersecurity risks against regulatory requirements and market best practices to enable the development of remediation plans aligned to the risk posture of the client and industry.

Our consulting services are provided (directly and indirectly) by MinterEllison Consulting (ABN 50 017 469 292) and MinterEllison Consulting Pty Ltd (ABN 50 077 613 828), both of which are part of the MinterEllison Group. Our consulting services do not constitute legal services nor legal advice and are not provided by Australian legal practitioners acting in that capacity. The laws and regulations which govern the provision of legal services in the relevant jurisdiction do not apply to the provision of non-legal services.