My experience extends to all aspects of water and wastewater regulation. This includes water infrastructure projects, water business restructures, water-related approvals, resource tenure related water issues, water services provision and service provider obligations (drinking water, recycled water, bulk water, irrigation services), water retailing, water resource planning and natural resource management, water supply contracting, and regulatory compliance and enforcement.
Career highlights
- Advising a Queensland government owned corporation on its proposal to construct, own and operate a hydro-electric power station in North Queensland. The proposed project is one of State significance and forms part of the Queensland Government's plan to strengthen and diversify power and water assets in North Queensland.
- Advising numerous state-owned entities in relation to detailed business case proposals for significant water infrastructure projects being led by statutory body, Building Queensland, and associated advice in relation to project structuring options and water regulatory issues.
- Advising resource tenure holders in relation to:
- the water approvals required to undertake certain mine-related construction works
- the water approvals required under State and Commonwealth legislation to undertake certain mine expansion activities
- water supply arrangements at mine sites including the movement of certain water between mine sites
- the associated water licence framework for the taking of and interference with underground water in Queensland and the applicable notification and reporting requirements.
- Advising a large Queensland local government in relation to certain complex aspects of its infrastructure charges resolution. As a statutory instrument, the Council's infrastructure charges resolution is the critical backbone to infrastructure policy and funding in the city.
- Seconded to a Queensland State Government department as a senior policy adviser for six months in relation to a government divestment project involving substantial water infrastructure assets.
- Developing draft drafting instructions for the preparation of new and amending State legislation to facilitate water business restructures and other public sector institutional reforms.
- Advising on the transition of a local government owned corporation back to its shareholding Council as a commercialised business unit.
- Delivering tailored training programs to legal and operational personnel in State and local government owned bodies on aspects of water regulation in Queensland.