Garth Williams
Partner, MinterEllison Consulting, Sydney
I advise companies on regulatory, governance and compliance matters including investigations, independent reviews, implementing regulatory change and remediation.

Drawing on my background in law, business and government, I help my clients develop strategies and operating models to manage risk effectively and pursue growth faster and with more confidence I have particular experience working in the financial services sector and I commonly advise banks, insurance companies, superannuation funds, financial planning firms and fund managers.

Career highlights

  • Performed independent expert reviews for a range of organisations in connection with APRA, ASIC and AUSTRAC enforcement actions. These have included investigating the root cause of incidents, controls reviews, compliance and risk framework reviews and assessing the quality of remediation programs.
  • Provided strategic and risk advice to banks, insurers and superannuation funds on how to navigate their way through regulatory investigations and achieve favourable outcomes.
  • Advised various financial services organisations on their compliance obligations under the breach reporting regime and designed new technology and management processes to help firms reduce their time and FTE commitment without compromising on compliance.
  • Advised extensively in the financial advice sector on compliance, transactions, growth strategies and how to reduce the cost base of their operations.
  • Acted as lead adviser to the wealth management division of a major bank in the Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry. This included providing legal and strategic advice on witness selection, witness statements, notice response and submissions for the superannuation, advice and insurance modules of the Royal Commission.
  • Assessed the design and quality of execution of remediation programs for various organisations. While in-house at a major bank I led the design and implementation of major remediation programs and led engagement with regulators on those programs.
  • Provided risk and strategic advice on aspects of deals including deal structuring, execution and post deal integrations.

Our consulting services are provided (directly and indirectly) by MinterEllison Consulting (ABN 50 017 469 292) and MinterEllison Consulting Pty Ltd (ABN 50 077 613 828), both of which are part of the MinterEllison Group. Our consulting services do not constitute legal services nor legal advice and are not provided by Australian legal practitioners acting in that capacity. The laws and regulations which govern the provision of legal services in the relevant jurisdiction do not apply to the provision of non-legal services.