COVID-19 Migration Update – Travel to Australia for temporary visa holders

2 minute read  21.02.2022 Taya Hunt, Anna Gunning-Stevenson, Rachel Molnar

As Australia starts to open up to international travel, temporary visa holders should be aware of the Government's current travel advice, including travel bans, restrictions on entry and self-isolation guidelines.

In Australia, the federal government is responsible for controlling the international border. The states and territories of Australia are responsible for managing quarantine requirements and COVID-19 prevention methods in their state or territory. This division of responsibility means that it is important for temporary visa holders to be across the various requirements they must adhere to when travelling to Australia. These requirements include:

  • Restrictions on entry: Australia is opening up its international borders to select countries as 'International safe travel zones' and to eligible visa holders if travellers meet particular criteria, which can include negative COVID-19 tests and full vaccination status (unless exempt). Other travellers must apply for individual travel exemptions to be able to enter Australia.
  • Quarantine: Select Australian states and territories are participating in different quarantine-free arrangements for international arrivals, while other states and territories require periods of hotel or home quarantine.
  • Ongoing obligations in Australia: Australian states and territories require travellers to participate in various ongoing COVID-19 prevention activities after entering Australia, including restrictions on visiting hospitals and aged care facilities.

Even as Australia begins to open up to temporary visa holders, it is important to keep in mind that changes in the COVID-19 situation in Australia or in other countries could result in border and quarantine-free arrangements changing without notice.

For updated information on the current requirements and how they could apply to your personal circumstances please visit Temporary Visa Holders travelling to Australia: Guide for fully vaccinated international arrivals aged 18 and over. This resource applies to international arrivals aged 18 and over who are fully vaccinated.

Different rules apply to children and people who are not fully vaccinated or medically exempt. MinterEllison can assist you if you are under 18, travelling with children, not fully vaccinated or medically exempt and would like further advice or assistance personalised to your circumstances.

MinterEllison provides strategic advice and assistance to employers on their global mobility needs, to bring skilled workers and business travellers to Australia.

If you would like further advice or assistance regarding the impact of COVID-19 on migration matters, please contact a member of our Migration team.




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