Governance News 23 June 2021

40 minute read + (PDF download)  23.06.2021 Mark Standen, Siobhan Doherty, Kate Hilder

This week's issue covers several reports analysing trends in diversity and inclusion and remuneration; developments in shareholder activism and various ESG-related developments.  In addition, you can find our key takeaways from the AHRC report into how ASX 200 companies can improve their approach to workplace sexual harassment and more…

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Diversity Navigation Show below Hide below

  • Still 101 years away from overall financial gender equality, Financy has called for comment on a proposed an Economic Equality Pact 2030
  • A broader 'trickle down' effect than supposed?  New report finds a link between increased female board representation and reduced workforce gender segregation over time
  • Fortune 500 board appointments: Walking the talk on diverse board appointments?

Remuneration Navigation Show below Hide below

  • New report predicts that there may be a COVID-19 induced pause in the upward trend in executive remuneration
  • Companies are increasingly tying pay to D&I: New report identifies a 19% uptick in the prevalence of D&I metrics in S&P 500 companies' incentive plans

Shareholder Activism Navigation Show below Hide below

  • Microsoft: Shareholder resolution calls for independent and transparent assessment of sexual harassment
  • Independent report concludes Toshiba's 2020 AGM was 'unfair', activist Effisimo condemns company's response as inadequate ahead of the 2021 AGM
  • Say on climate resolution earns 56.4% at Booking Holdings
  • Expectation of Paris alignment: Ceres says majority votes on a string of climate lobbying shareholder resolutions evidence a step change in investor expectations

Institutional Shareholders and Stewardship Navigation Show below Hide below

  • Investors seek to have Trump-era changes to the rule governing the filing of shareholder proposals ruled invalid
  • 168 investors back the CDP's 2021 campaign to urge high carbon emitters to disclose environmental data
  • LGIM to divest from four new companies because of their 'insufficient action' on climate change

Disclosure and Reporting Navigation Show below Hide below

  • TCFD disclosure: The FCA in consulting on extending TCFD-aligned disclosure requirements
  • Committee again hears mixed views on the proposed permanent relaxation of continuous disclosure laws

Markets and Exchanges Navigation Show below Hide below

  • In Brief | Following consultation, ASIC has released new Market Integrity Rules for capital which will replace the existing separate rule books for securities market participants and futures market participants. Market participants will be required to comply with the new rules from 17 June 2022
  • In Brief | Global index provider FTSE Russell, has announced that  208 existing constituents of the FTSE4Good All World are at risk of deletion from the FTSE4Good All World indexes having failed to meet new climate performance standards.  The companies now have until the June 2022 semi-annual index review to meet the required standards

Regulators Navigation Show below Hide below

  • ASIC Chair flags a 'new phase' of enforcement and regulatory work for the regulator
  • In Brief | SEC's latest annual regulatory agenda lists ESG disclosure and cybersecurity risk governance among the priorities

Financial Services Navigation Show below Hide below

  • Status update on the progress of key Bills
  • In Brief | Hayne implementation: ASIC has made an instrument extending existing AFS licensing relief for public offer trustees to include all registrable superannuation entities 'to ensure that non-public offer trustees are regulated consistently with public offer trustees'.   The exemption will apply until 31 December 2022.   After 31 December 2022, it may be  'removed or continued subject to the outcome of this consideration, which will include consultation with industry'

Risk Management Navigation Show below Hide below

Cybersecurity, Privacy and Technology

  • Labor Bill proposes to mandate new ransomware reporting requirements
  • In Brief | Scam alert: ASIC has issued a warning that some websites are linking/displaying fake ASIC company registration certificates, apparently as a means of promoting the business/services offered on the website. ASIC cautions that this may be an indication that the website is a scam and further cautions that 'registration does not guarantee the quality of a company and does not represent ASIC endorsement'. ASIC's announcement includes examples of the fake documents

Conduct risk

  • Top Story | AHRC report recommends eight ways companies can do better on workplace sexual harassment
  • Implementation of Respect@Work recommendations - Attorneys General agree actions to progress some recommendations

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