Practical tips to prepare for the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety

1 min  28.09.2018 James Beaton

On Sunday 16 September 2018, the Prime Minster of Australia announced a Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety.

The Terms of Reference are yet to be released, but this is a good time to start thinking about some of the very practical steps you can be taking to position yourselves for the journey ahead.

These might include:

  • Reviewing your PI policy and/or engaging with your broker regarding insurance coverage
  • Undertaking a ‘self-audit’ through interrogation of your incident reporting mechanisms across a range of clinical indicators and benchmarking performance
  • Identifying a team and developing protocols/points of contact – keeping in mind creation of internal communication and maintenance of privilege
  • Understanding the Terms of Reference, and the categories of documents that will be relevant for your industry
  • Identifying/engaging Counsel (and of course, a law firm)
  • Consider witnesses who may be called on behalf of your business

These are just the starting point.

Recent Royal Commissions have been heavily run by case studies and by reference to statistical evidence (as the Royal Commission into Financial Services has been). Once Commissioners are appointed, requests for documents will be rapid, with short timeframes imposed within which to respond.

Please feel free to get in contact with one of our Royal Commission experts if you require further information or would like to discuss Royal Commissions in the context of your business. We couple our Royal Commission expertise and industry knowledge to guide you through the process and manage reputational risk.

Royal Commission: Aged Care Quality and Safety




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