MinterEllison advises Albemarle on US$1.15bn acquisition of 50% interest in Wodgina Lithium Project

1 min  09.01.2019

MinterEllison has acted for Albemarle Corporation (Albemarle) in relation to its US$1.15 billion acquisition of a 50% interest in Mineral Resources Limited's (Mineral Resources) Wodgina Lithium Project in Western Australia, and formation of a joint venture with Mineral Resources.


The joint venture between Albemarle and Mineral Resources will involve the operation of the Wodgina Lithium Project and the development of a lithium hydroxide plant at the mine.

The MinterEllison team advised Albemarle on all aspects of the transaction.

The deal team was led by Simon Scott, Partner and the firms Energy & Resources Industry Lead, who said that "MinterEllison is delighted to support Albemarle's growth strategy with this transaction. It also builds on our work with Albemarle in relation to its other Australian interests, the Greenbushes mine and the development of its Kemerton Lithium Plant."

The deal team included Jordan Phillips, Bryn Davis, Craig Silverwood, Adrian Varrasso, Julie Whitehead (Partners), Nada Raphael, Mark Wheelahan, Craig Bowie (Special Counsel), Duncan Lomas (Senior Associate), Alex Other-Gee (Lawyer).



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