Aged Care | Government's response to Royal Commission recommendations

1 minute read + PDF download  14.05.2021 Penelope Eden, Sacha Shannon

The Government's response to the Aged Care Royal Commission, accompanied by a $17.7 billion funding package, signals a long-term reform focus that will underpin significant structural change to the aged care sector. We clarify which of the recommendations have been accepted and provide more detail about what that means for you.



On 11 May 2021, the Commonwealth Government presented its 2021 Budget. Concurrently, the Government handed down its response to the Final Report of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety.

Accompanied by an historic $17.7 billion funding package, the Government's response signals a long-term reform focus that will underpin significant structural change to the aged care sector.

The Government has accepted the vast majority of the recommendations, signalling significant reform over the next five years in the regulation that underpins the sector, how the sector will be funded and the prudential, clinical and governance standards to which approved providers will be held.

To help you navigate the Government's response to the Royal Commission's recommendations, we have prepared a table of what has been accepted (either in whole or in principle), rejected or remains under further consideration.

Find out about the Government's response to the Royal Commission's recommendations

For more detail on the recommendations, see:

Aged Care Royal Commission's Final Report | Implications and impact





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