Investment outlook: Australian renewable energy sector


Our new research indicates that Australia’s renewable energy sector is set to boom in the year ahead and global investors are waking up to the market’s abundant opportunities.

Over the last few years, we’ve seen great enthusiasm towards investment in Australia – it’s an attractive place to invest in for a number of reasons, including political and regulatory stability and legal certainty. Our sectors need both local and foreign investment to thrive.

Our new report, developed in partnership with Acuris, canvassed the opinions of global renewable energy investors and sector participants to gauge their views on the investment opportunities, trends and challenges in Australia.

The results are telling. Confidence is strong and gaining strength as the Australian renewables space grows from a nascent industry to one of global competitiveness.

It's going to be an exciting 12-24 months for the sector, but it's critical that industry players channel their efforts to take advantage of the great prospects investors have identified. 

Report highlights

Find out more about the opportunities in this sector



Point of View: insights into key issues and challenges facing business today.

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