Best Lawyers 2020 Australia results released – MinterEllison tops list again

1 min  22.03.2019

The 2020 Edition of The Best Lawyers in Australia was released today. For the third consecutive year, MinterEllison has the highest number of individual Best Lawyer listings.

MinterEllison has 210 lawyers recognised as Best Lawyers. Last year the firm had 183 listings.

The firm received a significant number of new listings, with 27 MinterEllison lawyers recognised for the first time. Last year the firm had 9 lawyers added to the list.

MinterEllison also had 16 individuals recognised as a Lawyer of the Year. Lawyer of the Year recognition is given to individuals with the highest overall peer-feedback for a specific practice area.

The firm was also recognised as Law firm of the Year in Alternative Dispute Resolution. Law firm of the Year recognises the top firm for its work in a specific legal practice area nationwide.

Visit Best Lawyers to view the 2020 listings.

Best Lawyers is the oldest and most respected peer review publication in the legal profession. Recognition in the publication is widely regarded by clients and legal professionals as a significant honour.

For media enquiries, please contact:

Charlotte Juhasz
Director, Corporate Communications & Media
M +61 408 837 975



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