Another step towards implementation of CCR or further delay?

2 minute read  07.06.2018

Consultation on draft mandatory Comprehensive Credit Reporting (CCR) regulations has commenced. The Senate committee recommended passing the CCR Bill, but also emphasized the urgent need to address the treatment of customers in financial hardship and its reflection in their credit information.


The government is consulting on the exposure draft of the National Consumer Credit Protection Amendment (Mandatory Comprehensive Credit Reporting) Regulations. The draft regulations propose to give effect to a number of provisions within the National Consumer Credit Protection Amendment (Mandatory Comprehensive Credit Reporting) Bill (CCR Bill) 2018.

The draft regulations propose to:

  • Exclude certain types of accounts from being supplied within the mandatory regime.

  • Specify additional events which require ongoing reporting under the mandatory regime.

  • Place restrictions on credit reporting bodies from disclosing information they have received or derived through the mandated regime.

  • Specify the types of information that credit providers and credit reporting bodies must include in statements to the Treasurer.

  • Specify circumstances when the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) can issue an infringement notice for a civil penalty.

Progress update of the CCR Bill

The National Consumer Credit Protection Amendment (Mandatory Comprehensive Credit Reporting) Bill 2018 (CCR Bill) was introduced, following consultation into the House of Representatives on 28 March and is yet to pass either house.

The Bill was referred to the Senate Standing Committee for Economics for report by 5 June. The majority view in the report is that the Bill be passed, but that the government should also consider 'expediting its review of financial hardship arrangements' given confusion among lenders regarding the treatment of customers in financial hardship, and how this should be reflected in their credit information.

Treasurer Scott Morrison said: 'Mandatory Comprehensive Credit Reporting will ensure lenders have access to a deeper, richer set of data, encouraging new entrants and small lenders, including innovative FinTech firms, to compete for small business and retail customers with positive credit histories. It also ensures competition in the lending market is increased by reducing the credit data advantage held by the major banks'.

Timeframe: Delays expected?

  • Consultation on the draft regulations closes on 13 June.
  • The Treasurer has said that the Mandatory Comprehensive Credit Reporting Bill (if enacted) will require the major banks to supply comprehensive credit information to credit reporting bodies from 1 July 2018.
  • According to The Australian, the Labor party have said they will seek to delay implementation of the Bill for twelve months, to enable this question to be resolved.

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