Construction Law Update March 2018

30 minutes  27.03.2018 Richard Crawford

Cladding with ACPs and other similar substances is topical in New South Wales and Victoria. We also touch on the recent launch of Partnerships Victoria’s PPP standard project documents. This edition also analyses decisions in New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria as well as the Full Court of the Federal Court of Australia.


Your March 2018 edition is now available.
You can also access past editions.

In this edition:

Legislative update

New South Wales

Fair Trading NSW calls for public consultation on whether ACPs should be banned


  • Cladding with Prescribed Combustible Products - No building permit without BAB blessing
  • PPP Projects in Victoria see new standards set

In the Australian courts


  • All for one and one for all – Recognition of professional registrations between states  |  Andriotis v Victorian Building Authority [2018] FCAFC 24

New South Wales

  • Collateral contracts and weak warranties: a timely reminder  |  ACN 151 368 124 v Pro-Pac Packaging (Aust) Pty Limited [2017] NSWSC 913
  • A home builder can only rely on the defence in section 18F of the Home Building Act 1989 (NSW) to avoid liability for design by others  |  Brooks v Gannon Constructions Pty Ltd [2017] NSWCATAP 168
  • Guilty homebuilder – only one chance to rectify  |  Gassman v Peck [2017] NSWCATCD 90
  • Surety Bonds: A Sure Thing?  |  Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd v Laing O’Rourke Australia Construction Pty Ltd [2017] NSWCA 291
  • Failed challenge to validity of NCAT work order  |  Manbead Pty Ltd v The Owners – Strata Plan; No 87635 [2017] NSWSC 1629
  • Can a homeowner be responsible for defective building works?  |  Steven Miller & Anor v Grosvenor Australia Pty Ltd [2017] NSWCATCD 42


  • It's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission: seeking leave retrospectively to commence proceedings under the Subcontractors' Charges Act 1974 (Qld) against a company in administration  |  Casco Civil Construction Pty Ltd v Yeo & Co Pty Ltd (Administrators Appointed) & Ors [2017] QSC 226
  • High Court confirms a builder cannot seek a merits review of a QBCC decision to make a payment under the statutory insurance scheme  |  Turcinovic v Queensland Building and Construction Commission [2017] HCASL 306



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