Construction Law Update May 2018

30 mins  29.05.2018 Richard Crawford

This month, read our thoughts on John Murray AM’s long-anticipated national Review of Security of Payment laws. Cases in New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria and Tasmania are also considered.

Notably, the NSW Court of Appeal examine in some detail the nature of adjudicators’ obligations to offer reasons for their determinations. Two other security of payment cases are timely reminders of factors that affect the existence of a valid payment claim.

There is also guidance once again from the courts on the importance of contractual context when interpreting the requirement to act in ‘good faith’ and on the contractual obligation to use reasonable endeavours.

Your May 2018 edition is now available.
You can also access past editions.

Legislative update


  • Brace yourself: a national security of payment regime based on the NSW model may be coming  |  National review of security of payment laws (report of John Murray AM)

In the Australian courts

New South Wales

  • Because I said so! Adjudicators’ obligations to give reasons explored  |  Cockram Construction Ltd v Fulton Hogan Construction Pty Ltd [2018] NSWCA 107
  • Show me the money! Buildings being made to pay under the Home Building Act  |  Kurmond Homes Pty Ltd v Marsden [2018] NSWCA 23
  • Obligations to use reasonable endeavours – what is reasonable?  |  Tamanna v Zattere; Thakorlal v Zattere; Rabac Pty Ltd v Zattere [2017] NSWSC 1388
  • Make sure you have a reference date before you go to adjudication  |  Trinco (NSW) Pty Ltd v Alpha A Group Pty Ltd [2018] NSWSC 239


  • Utmost good faith requirement – a reminder that contractual context is important  |  Clarence Property Corporation Limited v Sentinel Robina Office Pty Ltd) [2018] QSC 95


  • Adjudication of payment claims – is there a valid claim?  |  Forico Pty Limited v Sive [2018] TASSC 21


  • The court has the final say on jurisdiction of arbitral tribunals  |  Lin Tiger Plastering Pty Ltd v Platinum Construction (Vic) Pty Ltd [2018] VSC 221




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