Future technologies in transport

27.06.2018 Anthony Lloyd, David Pearce, Amy Dunphy

What are some of the exciting developments we're seeing in transport? How can these be practically applied?

We were delighted to host a Fast Track session as part of our sponsorship of Amplify, AMP’s innovation festival, where we explored how innovative high speed transportation systems will impact our future. But how can these new technologies be introduced into society?

High speed transportation systems

Long commutes could soon be history. Uber is planning to introduce flying cars into the daily commute, and Australian cities are in its sights. Jetsons-style vertical take-off and landing aircraft have the potential to bring far-reaching changes to our cities and our lives—quicker daily commutes, less traffic congestion, and cleaner air around the world. Uber Elevate has started exploring the barriers we’ll need to overcome to make this a reality.

Hyperloop is a new mode of transportation that moves freight and people quickly, safely, on-demand and direct from origin to destination. Passengers or cargo are loaded into the hyperloop vehicle and accelerate gradually via electric propulsion through a low-pressure tube. The vehicle floats above the track using magnetic levitation and glides at airline speeds for long distances due to ultra-low aerodynamic drag.

Mark Moore, Engineering Director and Nikhil Goel, Head of Product at Uber Elevate and Nick Earle, SVP Global Field Operations from Virgin Hyperloop One spoke with us about some of the opportunities and implications of their high speed transportation systems.

Future technologies in transport

What are some of the exciting developments and practical implications we're seeing in transport? How can this technology be introduced into Australia? Partner David Pearce and Senior Associate Amy Dunphy explore these issues, discussing:

  • What are some of the future technologies for the transport sector? (0:15)
  • Which technologies are already in use? (0:56)
  • What do regulators in Australia need to be doing to support this technology? (3:04)
  • What can companies do to help meet regulators' expectations? (4:53)
  • How will companies, governments and regulators ensure public confidence and safety? (5:27)
  • What other opportunities and challenges will this new technology present? (6:38)




Point of View: insights into key issues and challenges facing business today.

In this series of interviews with MinterEllison partners we hear their perspective on key areas of interest to our clients and the business community.