Flying the Invictus Games flag

1 min  16.08.2018

Today marks the official launch of the Fly the Flag campaign for the Invictus Games Sydney 2018, and we were delighted to get behind the Games and fly the flag proudly

Today marks the official launch of the Fly the Flag campaign for the Invictus Games Sydney 2018, and we were delighted to get behind the Games and fly the flag proudly.

This campaign is a call to action for individuals, organisations and communities to get behind the Games. The Games are encouraging supporters all over the world to fly an Invictus Games Sydney 2018 flag in a show of support for our wounded warriors.

A number of our high achieving, energetic staff took part in the Sydney Harbour Bridge climb this morning to fly the Invictus flag. Joined by over 1200 other Invictus supporters and partners, these individuals shared the stage with members of the Australian Invictus team to hear firsthand their stories of service, resilience and determination.

What an inspirational experience – to hear about some of the journeys that Invictus Games competitors have been through, while experiencing the incredible atmosphere of the Sydney Harbour Bridge climb. I’m so proud of the part we are playing to help these amazing Games come to fruition
Linda Kelleher Senior Associate

Our Invictus Games flag will be flying high in our Sydney office.

“There is a role for everyone in Invictus Games Sydney 2018, no matter where you are. Join us to spread the Invictus spirit in communities across Australia and beyond. Let’s make the competitors and their families and friends feel the support of the nation and the world when they arrive in Sydney in October.” – Invictus Games Sydney 2018

Learn more about our Invictus Games Sydney 2018 experience



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