Stories that inspire: helping people 'Soldier On'

2 min

Providing support for the Australian defence community has always been important to us at MinterEllison.

Providing support for the Australian defence community has always been important to us at MinterEllison.

Since its establishment in 2012, we have supported Soldier On, a national not-for-profit organisation whose vision is to provide a way for the community to come together and support our modern-day veterans and their families.

Similarly, the Invictus Games Sydney 2018, with its focus on sports to inspire recovery, support rehabilitation, and generate a wider understanding of and respect for those who serve their country, boosts the profile of this important cause – and we're delighted to be an Official Supporter.

Our Canberra Managing Partner, Michael Brennan, who now serves on the Board of Soldier On, has been involved with the organisation since its establishment. 

"It's really special to be involved in an organisation that does such important work in helping those who have served our country. Their mission – to achieve the best reintegrated generation of serving and ex-serving men and women in Australia’s history – is vitally important.

"Likewise, the Invictus Games, by bringing together the global community of serving and ex-serving men and women, send a powerful message about their courage and resilience that reverberates across the world."

Soldier On helps to reintegrate serving and ex-serving men and women through focusing on their health and wellbeing, employment, learning and participation in the community.

Through our pro-bono work, MinterEllison helped with the legal work required for Soldier On's establishment and continues to provide ongoing legal assistance and support through contracts, corporate constitutions, sponsorship agreements and other projects.

For Michael, it is essential that the corporate sector supports serving and ex-serving men and women.

Where we have the ability to drive social change by applying our professional skills, we must embrace it. Through supporting organisations like Soldier On and the Invictus Games, we can help amplify their social impact and make a genuine difference in the lives of veterans.
Michael Brennan, Partner, MinterEllison

With the Invictus Games Sydney 2018 just around the corner, Michael said now is the time for the Australian community to show support and recognition.

"These Games are a fantastic and inspiring way to connect us all to the experiences of service personnel and their families," he said.
However, that momentum must continue beyond the week-long Games. "As a community, we must continue to show our support for veterans, helping them to build a positive future.

"The work that Soldier On and the Invictus Games do is inspiring – at MinterEllison, we're very proud to play a small role in supporting their work to enable service personnel and their families build successful futures."

Learn more about our Invictus Games Sydney 2018 experience





Point of View: insights into key issues and challenges facing business today.

In this series of interviews with MinterEllison partners we hear their perspective on key areas of interest to our clients and the business community.