Retail Legislation Compendium - Edition 7

The MinterEllison Retail Tenancy Legislation Compendium (edition 7) provides national retail landlords and tenants an understanding of the provisions of retail tenancy legislation, both nationally and on a state-by-state basis.

The compendium is a summary of the retail tenancy legislation current in Australia as at 1 November, 2017.

Australia's retail tenancies (and some commercial and industrial) are governed by state and territory governments each of whom are responsible for their own tenancy legislation and regulation. However, commercial operations – particularly in retail – are not bound by geographic location. More often than not, retail operators conduct their business on a national scale, meaning an understanding of the provisions of retail tenancy legislation, both nationally and on a state-by-state basis, is essential.

To assist landlords and tenants, MinterEllison are pleased to present the Retail Tenancy Legislation Compendium – Seventh Edition.

Key contacts:

  • Victoria: Max Cameron + Peter Mitchell
  • Queensland: Robin Lyons + Adrian Rich
  • South Australia: Stephen Hill
  • Western Australia: Gehann Perera + John Prevost
  • New South Wales: Jakob Paartalu + Julie Purbrick
  • ACT: David Crane
  • Northern Territory: Lachlan Drew

Download the retail legislation compendium



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