Taskforce to investigate Queensland construction insolvencies

1 min  28.02.2019 Andrew Orford, Petrina Macpherson, Hugh Pegler
On 28 February 2019, the Queensland government announced a special joint taskforce to investigate insolvencies in the Queensland construction industry.

The taskforce will conduct a forensic examination into Queensland construction companies that have collapsed since 2013 and its investigations will focus on white-collar crime and re-examining historical allegations of fraud.

Creation of the taskforce was one of the key outcomes sought by the 'Back our Subbies' campaign launched in regional newspapers in early February 2019. Around 7000 subcontractors and trade creditors allege that they are collectively owed over $500 million as a result of approximately 50 construction company insolvencies since 2013.

Retired Supreme Court Judge John Byrne will head the taskforce, which will involve Queensland Police, the Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC) and the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions.

The taskforce will also consider whether the QBCC's supervisory and investigative powers are sufficient to prevent misconduct in the future and will provide recommendations for reform.

The Government has yet to release the terms of reference for the taskforce or its contact information. However, we expect that construction industry participants will be invited to inform the taskforce of examples of:

  • the non-payment of subcontractors due to corporate insolvency; and
  • companies or businesses that have been forced into insolvency due to non-payment under a construction contract.

The taskforce may also call for submissions as to the issues sounding insolvency in the Queensland construction industry.

We will continue to keep our clients updated regarding the taskforce and its progress.




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