Visa program for skills shortages in regional Australia

4 minute read  22.07.2024 Taya Hunt; Anna Gunning-Stevenson

We explore the Designated Area Migration Agreement (DAMA) program, available to employers based in rural areas, regional centres and cities.

Australia's labour market, particularly regional cities and rural areas, are continuing to experience challenges attracting and retaining skilled workers.

A Review of Regional Migration Settings is currently being undertaken by the federal Government, as part of the wider Migration Strategy released in December 2023. While adjustments to migration settings and visa options for bringing in skilled overseas workers are expected, it will take some time before these changes are determined and implemented.

In the meantime, employers should explore the current options available to address labour shortages through practical migration solution.

Designated Area Migration Agreement program's benefits

One option for employers is the Designated Area Migration Agreement (DAMA) program, available to employers based in rural areas, regional centres and cities. A DAMA is an agreement between the Australian Government and a regional, state or territory authority to provide access to overseas workers in skill shortage occupations within that area. Employers in that area can negotiate a labour agreement within the framework of the head agreement, giving them the flexibility to address their unique economic and labour market conditions

Depending on the terms of each DAMA, these labour agreements can provide a number of key benefits for business including:

  • A wider range of occupations that may be nominated;
  • Permanent residency pathways; and
  • Concessions on English language, work experience, salary and other criteria for certain occupations.

Currently, there are 13 DAMAs that employers can utilise in regions listed below. Businesses operating in these regions may be eligible to apply for a labour agreement under the applicable DAMA.

Western Australian regions

  • South West
  • The Goldfields
  • East Kimberley
  • Pilbara
  • Western Australia – state-wide (including Perth), where other DAMAs do not suit

Queensland regions

  • Townsville
  • Far North Queensland

Victorian regions

  • Goulburn Valley
  • Great South Coast

Northern Territory regions

  • Northern Territory – territory-wide (including Darwin)

New South Wales regions

  • Orana

South Australian regions

  • South Australia Regional – state-wide (including Adelaide)
  • Adelaide City Technology and Innovation Advancement

Using a DAMA instead of the ordinary skilled visa pathways can allow businesses to sponsor overseas workers who may not qualify under the ordinary skilled visa pathways, or who may not have a permanent residency pathway. A well-defined path to permanent residency can be crucial for attracting and retaining skilled overseas workers. Therefore, employers should be aware of any available pathways to attract international talent.

Each DAMA has its own terms that have been negotiated with the Australian government based on the unique labour market conditions in each region.

Organisations seeking to use this pathway to hire skilled overseas workers should seek professional advice before starting the process to ensure they are selecting the most appropriate visa strategy best suited to their business objectives. Obtaining professional advice upfront ensures that the process is understood and that applications are prepared efficiently and thoroughly.

How can MinterEllison assist?

MinterEllison's migration team has substantial experience in a wide range of migration issues, including visa strategies for regional employers. Our migration team is ideally placed to provide you with holistic advice on visa options and pathways to permanent residence in the context of business, financial and personal goals and limitations, and guide applicants through the application process in a seamless, efficient and personalised manner.

Contact us to find out which visa strategy might be right for your organisation.


