When is a settlement not the end of a historical sexual abuse claim?

1 minute read  16.11.2020 David Poulton, Katie Clark, Melissa Joyce, Michelle MacMahon

Recent decisions in Victoria, Queensland and Western Australia have considered the applicable legislative regime and the ability of plaintiffs to set aside previous settlements of their historical sexual abuse claims and proceed with further claims for damages.


The ability to reopen settlement of historical sexual abuse claims varies between the Australian States and Territories.


Reopening past abuse settlements permitted? Yes
Legislative reference Limitation of Actions Act 1974 (Qld) ss 11A, 48
Any cases so far on point? Yes

New South Wales

Reopening past abuse settlements permitted? No
Legislative reference N/A
Any cases so far on point? Yes

Australian Capital Territory

Reopening past abuse settlements permitted? No
Legislative reference N/A
Any cases so far on point? No


Reopening past abuse settlements permitted? Yes
Legislative reference Limitations of Actions Act 1958 (Vic) ss 27QA, 27QD, 27QE
Any cases so far on point? Yes

South Australia

Reopening past abuse settlements permitted? No
Legislative reference N/A
Any cases so far on point? No

Northern Territory

Reopening past abuse settlements permitted? No
Legislative reference N/A
Any cases so far on point? No

Western Australia

Reopening past abuse settlements permitted? Yes
Legislative reference Limitation Act 2005 (WA) s92
Any cases so far on point? Yes – four cases


Reopening past abuse settlements permitted? Yes
Legislative reference Limitation Act 1974 (Tas) s5C
Any cases so far on point? No

Our experts have deep experience in helping organisations navigate this sensitive issue. Contact us for more details about the legislation and cases in each state, and how they may affect organisations across Australia.




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