My 20 years of experience as a commercial litigator brings an added dimension to my advice on contentious issues in construction and infrastructure projects. I advise regularly on contract administration, dispute minimisation and resolution strategies. I have represented parties, and provided strategic advice and direction in numerous major disputes which have either been litigated, arbitrated, resolved by mediation or by negotiation, or submitted to expert determination. I have the experience of bringing large teams together to respond to complex litigation and can provide the strategic advice required by relevant stakeholders.
Career highlights
- Advised a joint venture in respect of its contractual obligations to undertake the bulk earthworks and civil works as part of the Wiggins Island Coal Export Terminal Project in Gladstone Queensland. Issues arose under the contract including a claim for $200 million for variations to work, extensions of time, delay and programming costs, and access to security.
- Acted for a subsidiary of Aveo Limited in a dispute with the developer, builder and former owner of the land following the purchase of a suite of retirement villages for $217 million. Work involved advising on a claim for damages for defective design and building work. Successfully negotiated a multi-party settlement involving the performance of substantial rectification work at no cost to our client.
- Advised the Australian Turf Club on a number of significant construction issues arising out of the redevelopment of the spectator precinct at Royal Randwick. The redevelopment has doubled the capacity of the grandstands, created a new owners' and trainers' building, as well as a 1000-seat ballroom and a new Theatre of the Horse parade ring. The Australian Turf Club continued to host major events at Royal Randwick throughout construction.
- Advised Transport for NSW on multiple disputes on the Wickham Transport Interchange Project in relation to the methodology of valuing variations and the quantum of those variations, delay damages including preliminaries thickening, prolongation and escalation, contamination and other matters.
- Advised NSW Department of Finance Services and Innovation, providing the department with a significant win on the calculation of the Contract Price in its Whole of Government Facilities Management Services (Asset Management and Cleaning) Agreements.
- Advised Roads and Maritime Services in relation to numerous claims made by contractors in respect of work carried out on the upgrade of major roads across Sydney.
- Seconded to Lendlease to support on a significant dispute with the Barangaroo Development Authority in respect of the development by Lendlease of One Sydney Harbour at Barangaroo.