Lee Rossetto
Managing Partner Infrastructure, Construction and Property, Perth
Lee has a diverse property and government law practice with a focus on major projects and development. He works with private and public sector clients and draws on more than 20 years' experience to advise on the full spectrum of property, infrastructure and resource projects.

With exceptional project management skills and a commercial approach, Lee works closely with his clients to achieve outcomes. Based on experience working in-house for government early in his career, Lee also offers both private and government clients an advanced understanding of the political, policy and administrative environments in which they operate.

He has particular market expertise in complex large scale urban renewal, major residential and mixed use developments (including social housing, affordable housing and student accommodation), complex land tenure for major industrial and infrastructure projects and statutory interpretation, policy and strategic advice.

Lee has had a lead role advising on many of Western Australia's landmark property developments and strategic transactions including each of the 2020 Perth City Deal projects such as ECU City Campus and East Perth Power Station and has been a lead advisor for more than 10 years on transformational urban renewal projects in Perth such as Elizabeth Quay and Perth City Link.

Lee is a member of MinterEllison's board and is a member of the Law Society of Western Australia's pro bono committee.

Lee is recognised by Best Lawyers (Property) and Doyle's Guide (Property).

Career highlights

Advising DevelopmentWA (and formerly the Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority) in relation to the procurement, documentation and negotiation of WA's major development and infrastructure projects such as:

  • Elizabeth Quay (disposal and development of various lots; precinct management arrangements and normalisation)
  • Perth City Link (including documenting and negotiating the original land assembly; drafting and negotiating agreements for the sale and development of the majority of lots within the precinct and drafting and negotiating a suite of easements and covenants to manage the interface between the proposed above ground development and the underground public transport infrastructure)
  • Ocean Reef Marina (including documenting and negotiating land assembly arrangements with various State and local government stakeholders and negotiating the terms for a renewable energy microgrid for the new mixed use precinct)
  • Peel Business Park Microgrid Project
  • Murdoch Health and Knowledge Precinct
  • Montario Quarter, Shenton Park
  • Alkimos Central Development (Transit Oriented Development)

Advising the State on all land tenure aspects of the Ord East Kimberley Expansion Project; developing, drafting and negotiating with the proponent and other stakeholders the underlying land tenure model, including relevant aspects of Development Agreement and a suite of bespoke leases, licences and easements and other instruments; negotiating land access and use arrangements with mining tenement holders to manage overlap of inconsistent land uses.

Advising ECU on $695 million new City Campus development, announced in late 2020 as a key part of the Perth City Deal including drafting and negotiating all funding and land tenure agreements.

Advising the Industrial Lands Authority across its portfolio of major industrial development leases and ancillary arrangements, including for the multi-billion Perdaman Urea project in the Burrup, Peel Business Park MicroGrid and the Australian Marine Complex (tenure and facility management arrangements).

Advising major national developer Frasers on all aspects of their residential developments in WA

Advising each of Western Australia's universities on a range of property transactions and major projects including:

  • the proposed new $320 m DPIRD Biosecurity and Research Facility at Murdoch University's South St Campus
  • The Indian Ocean Marine Research Institute and Forrest Hall I &II for the University of Western Australia
  • Wanneroo and Yanchep Super Clinics for Edith Cowan University
  • a range of matters relating to the development and diversification of the University's campuses and broader property portfolio including student accommodation; collaboration hubs; and compliance with statutory and governance requirements.

Advising the original proponent Kwinana Waste to Energy Project on all land tenure and approvals aspects of this first of its kind project in Australia.

Advising many of the largest renewables companies in Australia on land tenure and approvals requirements for renewable energy projects in WA

Advising on and documenting a number of property acquisitions and disposals in Western Australia for the Cwth Department of Defence.

Advising Southern Metropolitan Regional Council on many substantial waste projects and strategic procurements, including waste to energy

Advising many of WA's largest local government authorities including City of Perth, City of Vincent and City of Swan in relation to strategic and high value property and infrastructure projects.
