Shannon Sedgwick
Partner, MinterEllison Consulting, Sydney
I am passionate about helping clients to manage their information and technology risks and future-proof their organisations against cyber threats. I have extensive experience working in the financial services, critical infrastructure, defence and government industries.

After almost two decades of working globally, consulting on risk and cybersecurity, I have a keen insight into what makes an organisation both protected and resilient from cyber threats.

I focus on cyber risk governance and provide strategic advice to executive leadership and boards on this evolving area.

I work with my clients in government and private industry to develop solutions incorporating cyber risk into their overall business strategy. I help my clients meet risk-reduction and compliance objectives and advise on implementing new and evolving technologies by ensuring they are secure, fit-for-purpose, scalable, and continually driving efficiencies.

I collaborate with private equity and venture capital organisations to conduct pre-and post-acquisition technology and cyber risk-specific due diligence. By employing my unique blend of experience in finance and cybersecurity, I assist in uplifting their internal due diligence capabilities, focused on reducing risks and increasing return on investment.

As a Chair and Non-Executive Director on various boards, I am passionate about initiatives that tackle issues affecting the disabled, indigenous, and veteran communities.

Career highlights

Prior to joining MinterEllison, I advised clients on the following:

  • M&A due diligence and project leadership of multiple $100m+ deals and capital raises.
  • Led the multi-stage delivery of cybersecurity in a $100m+ technology transformation project for Defence.
  • Developed and delivered a first-of-its-kind whole-of-government cyber security assessment framework for Australia’s Federal, State, and Territory electoral systems.
  • Developed and delivered a cybersecurity risk assessment and remediation program for a major international Defence contractor, gaining them the necessary certifications to deliver to Australian Defence.
  • Delivering cybersecurity vendor replacement analysis and cost optimisation projects to major blue chip clients, resulting in an average 15% reduction in cybersecurity expenditure while enhancing cybersecurity maturity.
  • Development of a private equity and venture capital-specific internal due diligence program for several major international private equity firms.
  • Delivery of data governance assessments for government agencies vetting investment in Australian assets by foreign organisations.

Shannon Sedgwick on cyber risk

Shannon shares his point of view on the importance of comprehensive, tailored cybersecurity practices, including understanding the emotional and operational realities of managing cyber threats. He covers the increasing cyber security threats faced by organisations in Australia and the best practices for managing these threats. He also highlights the need for proactive and empathetic leadership in addressing these challenges.



Our consulting services are provided (directly and indirectly) by MinterEllison Consulting (ABN 50 017 469 292) and MinterEllison Consulting Pty Ltd (ABN 50 077 613 828), both of which are part of the MinterEllison Group. Our consulting services do not constitute legal services nor legal advice and are not provided by Australian legal practitioners acting in that capacity. The laws and regulations which govern the provision of legal services in the relevant jurisdiction do not apply to the provision of non-legal services.