I have a career spanning over twenty years' in industry and management consulting, with broad experience in identifying and solving business and IT challenges.
I have led consulting and client teams in large-scale projects involving cost reduction, IT strategy and outsourcing, offshoring (IT and business processes), strategic sourcing, operational effectiveness and organisation redesign.
Career highlights
- NSW Department of Customer Service: Simon has advised Department of Customer Service on the commercial opportunities regarding its remediation with an incumbent technology provider and, following negotiations, has continued to provide advisory services and led consulting teams in helping GovConnect to move to a ‘best of breed’ in-sourced and outsourced technology planning provision.
- Transport for NSW: Strategic advisory and consulting services for the ICMP Program Sourcing Strategy where he engaged with TfNSW ICMP sponsors and team to develop eight alternative sourcing strategy approaches and incorporating assessment of the value of each. Subsequently led the execution of the preferred sourcing strategy for provision of the Traffic Management Centre system renewal.
Also the strategic advisory and consulting services for the Digital Systems Program (DSP) involving the strategic sourcing of Transport Management System and Onboard Digital Technology requirements.
- iCare NSW: Strategic advisory and consulting services for the engagement and negotiation of NISP systems MSA (including associated schedules) with preferred systems integrator.
- Led a team of consultants in the engagement, review, negotiation and execution of 200 supplier agreements, statements of work and licence agreements for cloud and 'behind firewall' services. Fully accountable for establishment, management and maintenance of all commercial requirements for the iCare NISP program.
- New Business Model and Organisation Structure for key client: Substantial cost and service improvement in third party supply arrangements.
- NSW Rural Fire Service: Strategic advisory and consulting services across a range of projects for the RFS including Guardian, Guardian Phase 2 and the sourcing and implementation of the Advanced Bushfire Intelligence System (ABFIT).
- Lion Co: Commercial Advisory services for re-contracting of incumbent technology provider.
- Western Sydney Airport: Led a consulting team working with the WSA to source their Systems Integrator required for the greenfield systems development and implementation of whole-of-airport technology.
- Reserve Bank of Australia: Led a team of consultants assisting RBA to source Data Bunker requirements.
- Children’s Cancer Institute: Led teams of consultants across a range of projects to improve systems and systems delivery across CCI.