Construction Law Update November 2018

40 minutes  02.12.2018 Richard Crawford
In the penultimate edition for 2018, the most noticeable theme is security of payment. We discuss the imminent coming into effect of legislative changes in Queensland as well as the new amendments in New South Wales following significant stakeholder input. One of the New South Wales decisions is particularly salient on the nature of supporting statements and the obligation of adjudicators to exercise their statutory functions in good faith. An interesting case in the Australian Capital Territory clarified that an adjudicator need only be sure that a construction contract exists, and does not need to ascertain if work was actually performed under the contract. In Queensland, the courts examined the concept of apprehended bias in decision makers. Another Queensland case also clarified the requirements in submissions of cultural heritage management plans.

Your November 2018 edition is now available.

You can also view past editions.

Legislative update

New South Wales

  • Revised SOP Amendment Act overhauls entitlement to recover progress payments  |  Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Amendment Act 2018 (NSW)
  • New South Wales follows the Commonwealth in enacting procurement legislation  |  Public Works and Procurement Amendment (Enforcement) Bill 2018 (NSW)


  • Pre-Christmas commencement of the new Queensland security of payment regime  |  Building Industry Fairness (Security of Payment) Act 2017 (Qld)
  • Queensland Government likely to introduce Supplier Demerit Scheme next year  |  Supplier Demerit Scheme

In the courts


  • Arbitration first, court will have to wait First Solar (Australia) Pty Ltd, in the matter of Lyon Infrastructure Investments Pty Ltd v Lyon Infrastructure Investments Pty Ltd [2018] FCA 1666

Australian Capital Territory

  • Putting in your payment claim - when and what can you include in your payment claim? Canberra Drilling Rigs Pty Ltd v Haides Pty Ltd [2018] ACTSC 282

New South Wales

  • Signatures, service, sums: the NSW Supreme Court further clarifies the requirements of a payment claim under the SOP Act  |  Australia Avenue Developments Pty Ltd v Icon Co (NSW) Pty Ltd [2018] NSWSC 1578
  • Is an out of time payment schedule a valid answer to a notice to adjudicate?  |  Forte Sydney Construction v Lin Betty Building Group [2018] NSWSC 1429
  • Prepare to pay! The Supreme Court takes builder-friendly approach to owner's challenges to adjudication determination  |  Goodwin Street Developments Pty Ltd v DSD Builders Pty Ltd [2018] NSWSC 1229


  • No bias for the Aurizon  |  Aurizon Network Pty Ltd v Queensland Competition Authority & Ors [2018] QSC 246
  • Cultural heritage management plan requirements clarified  |  Mirvac Queensland Pty Ltd v Chief Executive, Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Partnerships [2018] QSC 248



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