Construction Law Update November/December 2019

1 minute read + PDF download  19.12.2019 Andrew Hales, Andrew Orford, Michael Creedon, Nikki Miller, Tom French

 In our final bumper edition of Construction Law Update for 2019, we cover decisions from New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria and Western Australia. The New South Wales decisions consider compliance with contractual subcontracting provisions, compliance with security of payment legislation and the relationship between termination and contractual cure periods. The Queensland decisions reiterate the importance of establishing a causal link between the alleged action and the damage claimed in pleadings and remind us that in certain circumstances costs will not always follow the event. A recent decision in the Victorian Supreme Court serves as a reminder that settlement agreements can put your right to further claims at risk. The Western Australian Supreme Court affirms that global claims will not be permitted as a trojan horse for poorly pleaded claims and the court is not willing to prevent enforcement of a determination under the Construction Contracts Act 2004 (WA) unless it is in the balance of convenience to prevent payment.


Your November / December 2019 edition is now available. You can also access past editions.

In the Australian courts

New South Wales

  • Ask for permission, not forgiveness – why contractors need to ask for the principal's permission to engage subcontractors | Advanced National Services Pty Ltd v Daintree Contractors Pty Ltd [2019] NSWCA 270
  • No luck here on the alternate reference date, but a payment claim may include claims for work performed after a reference date | Hanson Construction Materials Pty Ltd v Brolton Group Pty Limited [2019] NSWSC 1641
  • If you actually receive a payment claim, compliance with service requirements of security of payment legislation will not matter | MN Builders Pty Ltd v MMM Cement Rendering Pty Ltd [2019] NSWDC 734
  • The twists and turns of termination and contractual cure periods | Visual Building Construction Pty Ltd v Armitstead (No 2) [2019] NSWCA 280


  • Causal links preferred to global claims in construction disputes | Alexanderson Earthmover Pty Ltd v Civil Mining & Construction Pty Ltd [2019] QSC 259
  • Another claim of charge bites the dust for failing to comply with the Subbies' Charges Act | All Systems Pty Ltd v MAW Group (Aust) Pty Ltd & Anor [2019] QDC 211
  • The winner does not always take it all – cost orders when both parties have been successful | National Management Group Pty Ltd v Biriel Industries Pty Ltd trading as Master Steel & Ors (No 2) [2019] QSC 276


  • Be aware – Settlement agreements can put your right to further claims at risk | Valeo Construction v Tiling Expert [2019] VSC 291

Western Australia

  • Be prepared to properly plead global claims | Built Environs WA Pty Ltd v Perth Airport Pty Ltd [No 3] [2019] WASC 399
  • A reminder that CC Act adjudication is a 'pay now, argue later' system | Sandvik Mining and Construction Australia Pty Ltd v Fisher [2019] WASC 352




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