Governance News 13 May 2020

60 mins (PDF download)  12.05.2020 Mark Standen, Siobhan Doherty, Kate Hilder

COVID-19 Special Edition

In this special COVID-19 edition of Governance News, we feature coverage of key COVID-19 developments including: a) the deferral of Hayne reforms and DDO requirements for six months; b) guidance on virtual AGMs in light of recent government announcements; c) the continuing relevance/importance of ESG and how organisations can report on ESG issues during COVID-19 and beyond; and d) financial and regulatory developments.

This issue also features coverage of a number of sessions from the Governance Institute's Virtual Governance and Risk Management Forum and coverage of their latest Risk Management Survey which provides insights into the current risk/governance landscape and the key challenges in that space.  


Full coverage of this weeks content is now available

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COVID-19 Key Developments Navigation Show below Hide below

  • COVID-19: Hayne reforms and DDO deferred six months
  • COVID-19: Virtual AGMs given the nod
  • COVID-19: JobKeeper payments and the decline in turnover test
  • COVID-19: The 'next normal': climate change risk governance in a pandemic age – Part 1
  • COVID-19: Less prepared than we could be for future crises? Governance Institute report finds that many organisations are not regularly testing their risk/crisis plans
  • COVID-19: The unfolding economic impact: Is the economy facing a possible economic 'cliff' in October
  • In Brief | COVID-19:  'Australians know there is no money tree': Treasurer Josh Frydenberg has given a statement on the 'sobering economic impact' that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on the economy in which he emphasised the huge cost, the need to repay the debt in future and the fact that support measures cannot remain in place indefinitely

Diversity Navigation Show below Hide below

  • Push to widen the director/CEO candidate pool: Update on The NY City Comptroller's campaign to improve diversity on S&P 500 boards

Institutional shareholders and stewardship Navigation Show below Hide below

  •  COVID-19 economic recovery plans: International investor groups are calling on governments to work towards a green recovery

Meetings and Proxy Advisers Navigation Show below Hide below

  • COVID-19: ASIC has released updated temporary guidelines for investor meetings using virtual technology 
  • COVID-19 has seen governments around the world race to implement emergency changes including allowing virtual meetings: Could these emergency measures act as a blueprint for longer term reform post-pandemic?

Regulators Navigation Show below Hide below

  • The regulatory response to COVID-19: Insights from the Governance Institute's Annual Governance and Risk Management Forum 2020
  •  ASIC enforcement update 1 July 2019 to 31 December 2019
  • The ACCC and the OAIC have released their joint policy outlining how they will monitor and enforce compliance with the CDR regulatory framework

Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Navigation Show below Hide below

  • COVID-19: ESG is always core business with or without the pandemic: Insights from the Governance Institute Annual Forum panel discussion
  • In Brief | The World Economic Forum has called for continued focus on stakeholders during the pandemic issuing 'Principles for the COVID-19 era'

Financial Services Navigation Show below Hide below

  • COVID-19: ASIC has clarified its regulatory approach to lending obligations during the pandemic
  • COVID-19: Funds are processing early release of super applications on average within 3.1 business days according to APRA data
  • COVID-19: Early release of superannuation scheme – funds report implementation is proceeding smoothly 
  • COVID-19: ATO's opening statement to the select committee provides an update on the ATO's work in delivering the government's COVID-19 support measures
  • COVID-19: Fraudulent activity associated with the government's early release of superannuation scheme is under investigation by the Australian Federal Polic
  • COVID-19: The ICA has called on insurers to fast track measures to support vulnerable customers/customers experiencing financial hardship
  • The Federal Court has approved a settlement between the ACCC and Bupa in connection with the provision of 'extra services'
  • In Brief | COVID-19: The case for allowing superannuation funds to borrow from the RBA during the pandemic
  • In Brief | COVID-19: ASIC has cautioned consumers not to make investment decisions based on advertising that suggests riskier fixed-term investment products as alternatives or substitutes for bank term deposits, warning that not all products are 'true to label'.  ASIC says it is also 'considering legal action where appropriate ' against entities making these claims
  • In Brief | The House of Representatives Standing Committee on Economics will hold an 'urgent hearing' via videoconference on 14 May as part of its ongoing review of the four major banks and other financial institutions at which ME Bank and Industry Super Australia will appear
  • In Brief | The Australian reports that former ASIC Chair Greg Medcraft has said that banks have a long way to go to rebuild their reputation/win back community trust in the wake of Hayne Commission

Accounting and Audit Navigation Show below Hide below

  • United Kingdom | The FRC has provided a brief update on its progress towards becoming the Audit Reporting and Governance Authority (ARGA)
  • In Brief | COVID-19: The Financial Reporting Council (FRC) has updated its guidance for companies in relation to interim results in light of the uncertainty/impact of COVID-19

Risk Management Navigation Show below Hide below

  • COVID-19: Never waste a good crisis: Insights into best practice crisis management from business leader Julia Banks
  • In Brief | COVID-19: ASIC has issued a 'reminder' about director trading: The guidance outlines considerations for directors regarding their ability to buy and sell that ASIC considers to be 'particularly relevant in the current market environment created by COVID-19'

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