Governance News 15 September 2021

40 minute read + (PDF download)  15.09.2021 Mark Standen, Siobhan Doherty, Kate Hilder

This week's issue covers key financial services developments including the release of ASIC's latest enforcement report and planned further amendments to upcoming DDO obligations. This issue includes coverage of key ESG and risk-related developments and more…

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Diversity Navigation Show below Hide below

  • Time for gender targets? Report finds progress towards gender-balanced leadership is unlikely to gain ground without a change in approach
  • Inclusive culture is key to reaping the rewards of increased diversity: Key Takeaways from an expert panel discussion on progress on increased board diversity

Institutional Shareholders and Stewardship Navigation Show below Hide below

  • Implementing the Paris Agreement will create investment opportunities: A coalition of 587 global investors has called on governments to implement five climate policy actions ahead of COP26
  • Report concludes no European bank has a comprehensive plan to ensure sustainability across all topics, ShareAction has called on investors to push banks to lift standards
  • Investors push for the removal of barriers to investment in the Australian energy market

Meetings and Proxy Advisers Navigation Show below Hide below

  • A 'quiet' mini-AGM season: Analysis of ASX 300 AGMs over H1 2021 provides potential insights into key trends ahead of the main AGM season
  • SAFAA supports the measures in the latest draft Bill proposing to permanently modernise meeting and execution requirements

Disclosure and Reporting Navigation Show below Hide below

  • Flawed? The UK Investment Association has recommended changes to proposed new TCFD-aligned disclosure requirements put forward by the FCA

Regulators Navigation Show below Hide below

  • Hayne implementation: Inaugural Financial Regulator Assessment Authority members appointed
  • Shift in focus: ASIC's latest enforcement report
  • APRA Chair's opening statement to the second House Committee hearing into APRA's 2019/20 Annual Report
  • No evidence that large institutional investors are pursuing interests that are materially different from those of the broader shareholder base:  APRA Chair Wayne Byres' opening statement to the Inquiry into Common Ownership and Capital Concentration

Financial Services Navigation Show below Hide below

  • Top Story | A guide on breach reporting requirements for AFS and credit licensees
  • Top Story | Status update: Tracking progress against each of the Hayne Commission's 76 recommendations
  • Proposed changes to upcoming DDO obligations
  • No longer needed: APRA expects ADIs to phase out reliance on the CLF by the end of 2022
  • Revised Global Principles for Sustainable Securities Lending aim to introduce and embed ESG principles into securities lending
  • 29% of banks failing to meet direct debit compliance obligations
  • US financial advisers remain cynical about ESG investment performance, despite growing client demand according to ISS survey

Risk Management Navigation Show below Hide below

  • AUSTRAC banking sector risk assessments released
  • NYU Stern School of Business study finds that finance experts generally agree that climate risk is not being adequately 'appreciated' by major asset markets
  • In Brief | Banks need to do more about the physical risks of climate change: A report from Ceres has found that in a 'worst case' scenario, even if adaption methods are implemented, the annual value-at risk from the physical impacts on the syndicated loan portfolios of major US banks could be 10%.  The report calls on banks to commit to implementing 14 recommendations to assist them in better identifying, assessing and acting to mitigate the physical effects of climate change within the next twelve months, including aligning their strategies with the goals of the Paris Agreement
  • In Brief | Lagging on climate could hurt Australia's economic recovery from the pandemic according to the OECD's Economic Survey of Australia.  The report observes that though 'uniquely vulnerable' to climate change, Australia is also 'uniquely placed to benefit economically from the global move towards carbon neutrality'.  The report calls on Australia to implement 'a coherent national strategy that defines clear goals and policies to move to net zero'.  In a statement welcoming the report, the government said confirms that it remains 'committed to its approach of technology, not taxes, in reaching net zero emissions as soon as we possibly can, preferably by 2050'
  • In Brief | Taking shortcuts: Global survey of 2920 compliance managers has identified that 65% agree that the pandemic has forced them to take shortcuts with know your customer and due diligence checks

Restructuring and Insolvency Navigation Show below Hide below

  • Three men gaoled for their parts in an illegal phoenix scheme

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