MinterEllison has advised a syndicate of five investment and retail banks on Blackstone’s A$508m acquisition bid for AMA Group

1 minute read  18.04.2018

If successful, Blackstone will own the leader in Australia's A$7 billion panel repair industry, with over 100 sites across the country.

The proposed transaction will involve the demerger of AMA Group’s automotive component, accessory and procurement business, and the subsequent de-listing and purchase of the remaining vehicle panel repair business by Blackstone.

Both transactions will be effected by way of Scheme of Arrangement and are subject to approval by AMA Group shareholders.

AMA Group says the demerger, planned for August 2018, will allow it to focus on its core competencies and adopt a capital structure appropriate for its scale, operations and strategic objectives.

Representing a friendly takeover of a listed company by a global private equity firm, the deal is a standout transaction for MinterEllison. The team included Matthew Kenny, Michael Scarf, Ryan Ruslim, Imogen Bailey, and Rosie Connolly.

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Charlotte Juhasz
Director, Corporate Communications & Media
M +61 408 837 975


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