Lead with confidence, protect against governance risk

Head office governance and risk

A sound corporate governance framework is key to demonstrating a culture of integrity and ultimately leads to a positive performing and sustainable business. Establishing a strong governance framework signals to the market that an organisation is well managed, the interests of management are aligned with other stakeholders and is instrumental in maintaining a company's social licence to operate.


How we can help

Our legal and consulting teams work with Boards, C-Suite, company secretaries, corporate counsel on ESG regulatory, compliance and corporate governance issues. The team can assist with:

  • ESG disclosures and sustainability reporting
  • Mandatory climate and financial reporting
  • Corporate Governance, including directors duties, board composition, Annual reports, Financial reporting and shareholder meetings
  • Investor and stakeholder engagement, including shareholder activism
  • Risk management, accountability, regulatory compliance and culture
  • Managing the M&A process and transactional ESG risks
  • Crisis and reputation management
  • Litigation and dispute resolution, including class action risk, responding to regulatory notices and actions
  • Aligning employment and remuneration incentives
  • Data and cyber security
  • Managing sustainability collaboration, including antitrust and competition
  • Establishing Traditional Owner businesses and joint ventures
  • Structuring and designing sustainable business models including for profit, social enterprise and not for profits

Case studies

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Advised CBA on the implementation of Australia's Banking Executive Accountability regime (BEAR) – now known as the Financial Accountability Regime (FAR).

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Super Retail Group

Evaluated greenwashing risk in four main brands and business practices amid increasing regulatory oversight in Australia. Identified risks in products, compliance processes, and governance, and recommended areas for improvement.

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Advised Mizuho and other Branches of Foreign ADIs on the employment and remuneration aspects of BEAR, FAR and CPS 511.


Our multi-disciplinary team can help with all your ESG needs.

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