Take a proactive stance on human rights business risk

Human rights and modern slavery

Upholding human rights and combatting modern slavery are cornerstones of credible ESG practices. Non-compliance risks reputational damage, diminished market share, funding challenges, and forfeiture of social operating licence. It's critical that businesses take proactive, meaningful steps to integrate human rights and responsible sourcing into their daily operations.

Additionally, as a consequence of legal obligations and international standards (whether or not a company is a signatory to such standards), and the broader community expectations, rights of Traditional Owners are becoming increasingly a 'must have' in doing business in Australia and internationally.


How we can help

Our dedicated team helps companies weave human rights considerations into their governance strategies, effectively mitigating reputational and financial risks. From risk identification to ensuring compliance and enhancing supply chain transparency, we're committed to helping you keep pace with evolving regulations to protect your social operating license.

Our services include:

  • Development of policy and governance frameworks
  • Compliance and risk management strategy and advice
  • Modern slavery risk assessment due diligence (via our Risk Assessment Toolkit)
  • Supply chain review and reporting services
  • Preparation and review of modern slavery statements
  • Modern slavery training
  • Anti-discrimination and human rights law consultation
  • Support with investigations and litigation
  • Anti-bribery and corruption measures
  • Rights grievance policies and mechanisms
  • Traditional Owner rights in doing business

Modern slavery reporting. Are you compliant?

Organise a modern slavery health check.

Case studies

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Reporting guidance for financial services and investment organisations

Provide guidance to financial services and investment corporations on reporting obligations. Offer training and assist with preparing draft modern slavery statements under the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth).

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Energy retailer

 Identified supply chain and modern slavery risks for an energy retailer. Provided counsel on modern slavery statement, policy, and supplier code. Ensured risk identification, management, supplier engagement, and compliance.

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Major construction company

Advised a major construction company with modern slavery training, drafting contract clauses, policies and reporting templates. We provided support with the preparation, and review of their modern slavery statement.

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Energy and resources organisations

Energy and resources sector clients: Advising Energy and Resources sector clients on their reporting obligations and draft modern slavery statements under the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) as well as drafting modern slavery statements.

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Energy generator and retailer

Provided modern slavery advice and developed a comprehensive Action Plan for embedding reporting requirements. Includes risk assessment, policy reviews, contract evaluations, and staff training.

Bluewashing. Are you at risk?



Our multi-disciplinary team can help with all your ESG needs.

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