Amanda Story
Partner, Government Leader, Canberra
I am the National Leader of MinterEllison's Government practice. I use my extensive experience across the government sector to assist clients achieve their goals and to meet the challenges facing them. During my career, I have worked on some of the Australian Government's most significant projects.

I am passionate about supporting government to achieve its objectives. My practice focusses on strategic procurement, particularly for information communications and technology projects, outsourcing and governance. My clients engage me for my depth of experience in advising government, my hands on management of matters and solutions driven approach. 

Career highlights

  • My acknowledgements include being recognised in various legal directories. I am ranked in Chambers in the Government category. I am listed in Best Lawyers in the areas of corporate governance, and government and information technology. I am ranked in Doyles' Guide in the government procurement category. I have been independently recognised by Best Lawyers as a Lawyer of the Year 2023 in the Corporate/Governance practice category and Lawyer of the Year 2022 and 2024 in the Information Technology Category.
  • I have acted for the Australian Government on numerous major projects, including procurements, outsourcings, corporatisations and governance reviews.
  • I am an active supporter of MinterEllison’s inclusion and diversity agendas, and supporting the progression of women in the legal profession.
  • I am proud to lead MinterEllison's Government Practice nationally and to lead our Australian Government account as our Australian Government Client Relationship Partner.
  • I support the arts in our community through my membership of the board of Directors for the Canberra Symphony Orchestra.